MEssage fROm Advisor
Education is not a destination but a journey in itself that turns an entity into a human being which is the biggest need of the hour.
The core purpose of education is to provide children with a learning environment which brings out the best in them. We believe that every child is endowed with a unique set of attributes and abilities, which needs to be nurtured so that they blossom. As an educator of new India, our eyes are fixed endeavouring towards our children’s future and the world which they would inherit from us.The school, next to the family, takes special responsibility in equipping children with the right attitude and skills that would help them become winners. Modern infrastructure, continuous realignment of curriculum, pedagogy and committed and skilled teachers are the ingredients of LRPSSS.Looking forward to the intense cooperation from parents to fulfil our motto of holistic development of every child.
Mrs. Kiran Bansal